It’s time to write that book that’s been bubbling up in your soul…

Anyone out there working a corporate job but feeling the neglected artist inside clawing at your spirit, begging to be heard?

I’ve been there, working on Wall Street for years before I landed my first two book deals and became a full-time writer and entrepreneur. And now I’m here to help you free your inner artist too...

Maybe you like your day job, but you also want to nurture your creative side and write that novel or memoir that’s been on your bucket list.

Or perhaps you’re feeling stuck in the corporate grind and are dreaming of becoming a full-time author.

Either way, I’m here to help.

As a coach, I focus on both the art and business of publishing a book. Not only do I guide you as you outline and write your manuscript, but I equip you with practical tools to land an agent and book deal and build your brand.

It took me 11 years (and five unpublished books) to break into the industry and land my first book deal, so I love sharing what I’ve learned to accelerate my clients’ success.

Through my own trial and errors along the way, I learned how important mental and emotional clarity is to writing a top-tier book and calling in an aligned agent and publisher. This led me to becoming a certified breathwork instructor and developing proprietary meditations for writers (Some of the topics include: working through creative blocks, stepping into your self-worth, turning envy into inspiration, stripping out ego to reveal authentic ambition, celebrating little wins, etc).

Many of my clients find these meditations helpful as they craft their book to ensure they are creating from a place of clarity and authenticity.

And remember, you are ALREADY worthy. No book deal will make you ‘more’ of a writer or ‘more” of a success. But I have to say, it’s pretty incredible to overcome limiting beliefs and launch your book into the world.

So what’s stopping you??

Lindsay’s book coaching services

Work with Lindsay to bring your book dreams to life and share your story with the world.

Book Coaching Testimonials

  • In her coaching, Lindsay strikes a balance between the art of writing and the business of publishing that is invaluable to every motivated aspiring author. Lindsay's dedication to her students, their growth, success, and craft is palpable. I'd work with her again in a heartbeat. And when I publish my first book, I will have Lindsay, in part, to thank!'

    Meaghan, CT

  • 'Lindsay's coaching was incredibly helpful, inspiring, and fun! I looked forward to meetings each week, and it really helped me get clarity on what I need to do next as I work on my novel. Lindsay is really passionate about helping, and her feedback was always so thoughtful, actionable, and encouraging. I also really benefited from learning more about publishing--although I've done independent research, it was invaluable to be able to ask all my specific, nuanced questions to someone who understood my personal goals and who's been through the whole process before.'

    Leila, NYC

  • Within six months of working with Lindsay, I went from only having an idea for a book to landing a top agent and book deal. Working with Lindsay was the best investment I could have made.

    Anna, LA

Or maybe you don’t want to be an author, but you dream of taking a creative leap + building your own business where you get paid to do what you love.

Or perhaps you’re happy in the corporate world but are looking to invest in your growth and flow into your full potential as a conscious, creative leader…

Sound like you? Let’s talk. I mentor big dreamers who are working corporate jobs and preparing for an entrepreneurial pivot, or just looking to uplevel in their careers. I’ve been there and know how much planning and support it takes to execute it successfully. I’m here to help you strategize, answer any questions, and cheer you on along the way!