ABOUT Lindsay

Don’t quit on that little voice in your soul saying you were meant for more…

In the years before I landed my first book deal and built my entrepreneurial career, I wondered if I should just give up. I got so many rejections (and ghostings) from literary agents and publishers, and it felt impossible to get anyone to give me the time of day to read my work, let alone take a real chance on me. Why was I continuing to put myself through this agony?

My plan B was almost too good. I was working on Wall Street and knew I could have a well-paying corporate job, climb the ladder, support myself, and be okay. But I also knew I wasn’t born to be okay. I was born to be lit up and truly alive, sharing my bubbling creative energy with the world.

But how to get there? The gap between where I was and where I knew I could be felt cripplingly large. There were so many breakdowns, tears, and ‘What if it never happens?’ phone calls to my mom.

I thought about quitting but I just couldn’t. Writing and creating and innovating was what I had to do. Not just for other people, but for myself.

So I kept going and after many years (and 5 beloved manuscripts that never got published) I landed my first book deal. It gave me the launching pad to build my brand as an entrepreneur, and now here I am living my dream career and helping others build theirs too. Progress isn’t always linear or overnight, but it will happen if we stay committed to ourselves and refuse to abandon our wildest dreams.

Embrace your contradictions. They are pointing you to your SUPERPOWER.

For many years while I was writing novels while working on Wall Street, I felt a tension between Corporate Lindsay vs. Creative Lindsay.

I joked that I was living my Hannah Montana double life.

Which was I? A business leader or an artist? The breakthrough happened when I realized it wasn’t an either/or, it was an and.

My corporate job made me a better writer, and my writing made me better at my corporate job. The two sides of me added to my success, not subtracted.

My superpower lies in the intersection of these two skillsets. I am a business-minded artist and and artistically-minded businesswoman.

And because of that. I can reach higher levels of creativity, success, and personal fulfilment.

Many of my coaching clients feel thier own dichotomies. Are they are tech exec or a writer? A finance manager or a poet? An entrepreneur or a mother?

We let the world put us into boxes. Sometimes we even create boxes ourselves.

But it’s time now to break out of those boxes. To celebrate the ways that they merge and intersect and flow together to lift the ceiling on our holistic potential.

What are the different sides of yourself that you’re struggling to integrate?

Send me a message to explore working together.

xo Lindsay


‘Dare to create a life that lights you up. And boldly share that light with others.’


The Heart of the Deal and Double-Decker Dreams